The speculation this time around is that Jiri Hudler will be back in the lineup and either Kyle Calder or Mikael Samuelsson will be out.
The Wings need the win today to make sure they won’t be facing elimination on the road tomorrow.
The last three times the Wings won a Game Five to take a 3-2 series lead, they won the series (2004 Nashville, 2002 Vancouver, 1998 Phoenix). Four of the last five times they lost Game Five to go down 3-2, they lost the series. The lone exception was the 2002 Western Conference Finals against Colorado.
Clark RasmussenApril 21, 2007 1:20 AM
Yzerfan, nice wrap on the game, appreciate your coverage and thanks from the West Coast!
After the last game I’m basically in the dark as what to expect from the Wings. I had expected a do or die attitude from the Wings in the last game, but it didn’t manifest into anything even close to that. I’m a huge fan of the game and have been watching all of the series thus far, only missing the last Anaheim contest…if you want to call it that. Anyway, the Sharks look hungry and the Ducks are deliberate in their overall game performance. Detroit just plainly looks tired and is clearly rattled after the last two games. I had hoped that the Wings would be more intimidating while visiting Calgary, but again they were submissive and mentally beaten. The Calgary Fans, along with the Flames beat Detroit and that’s the bottom line. */My best effort as a fan/*
*/My take as a spectator/*
In all of my years watching the NHL, I have yet to see such a transition from a team like Calgary from one place (Detroit) to the next (Calgary) and can’t help thinking that this is all scripted or something. It’s all so f*cking ridiculous that I can’t even begin to believe it. I can’t bring it to reason why the Wings would allow such fallacious and superfluous effort during the games in Calgary. If the Flames need to boost their economy with a long playoff run, then f*cking do it with some other team. I’m tired of watching Detroit get beaten by teams that reside in Canadien Cities that are financially struggling (Edmonton). As if Detroit itself isn’t struggling after all of the layoffs from the Big 3. My family back there is struggling and I feel cheated!! If the league wants to continue to make cheap calls while in Canada, then my days of watching this sport are about to end. I won’t believe that Calgary can go into their house and thrive the way they did, while Detroit all of a sudden has issues. During the last game the Ref’s had to back off of the sh*t calls mid-way through the second, as it was clearly obvious what was going on. I’m going to call for an investigation on Gary Bettman for game tampering and tainted officiating in professional sports! Clearly this is exactly the type of poor leadership this Bettman provides to the league. And I will tell you this, Shanahan is the first guy I would want an investigating committee to visit secretly.
Yeah, that’s my take on this sport from a spectator, and if you think it’s a huge farce, check your wallet, because your government lives inside it!
Go Wings! No Bullsh*t!
Glove_DropperApril 21, 2007 3:35 AM
Hudler’s in, Calder’s out.
Clark RasmussenApril 21, 2007 7:21 AM
Kipper gets his hand swatted at: goalie interference. Iginla elbows Hasek (Game Four): nothing. Hooray for consistancy.
Huge stop by Hasek!
Clark RasmussenApril 21, 2007 7:39 AM
Go Wings! Heard an interesting fact about Domink Hasek’s contract. If he wins the first series against Calgary, he gets a $450,000 bonus.
skyguy52April 21, 2007 7:40 AM
Hudler’s in, Calder’s out.
I can’t object to that move. CALDER has not had a productive series in terms of points, although his play hasn’t been negative. Hate to gravitate back to LANG, but I would have taken him out before CALDER.
skyguy52April 21, 2007 7:43 AM
Wow. This ref is a f*cking asshole.
Maltby is hit into Kipper as the Wings score. No goal. Goalie interference. f*ck this sh*t.
Clark RasmussenApril 21, 2007 7:46 AM
Hudler’s in, Calder’s out.
I can’t object to that move. CALDER has not had a productive series in terms of points, although his play hasn’t been negative. Hate to gravitate back to LANG, but I would have taken him out before CALDER.
Haha. Once again, I complain about LANG’S play and he comes back with two scoring OPPORTUNITIES that, unfortunately, don’t turn into goals.
skyguy52April 21, 2007 7:49 AM
Ignila takes a shot at Zetterberg to end the period. “It’s okay, it’s the playoffs.” Right, because I’m sure they’d say that if a Wing did it.
Clark RasmussenApril 21, 2007 7:57 AM
Chelios high stick after Zyuzin holding Bert is ignored. The refs aren’t even wathing.
Clark RasmussenApril 21, 2007 8:18 AM
Dan Cleary is a motherf*cking GOD!
Clark RasmussenApril 21, 2007 8:21 AM
Dan Cleary is a motherf*cking GOD!
Ok Great Work by Cleary, followed by a picture perfect move on Kiprusoff. Then Zetterman’s opportunity, shows the Wings are Hungry. But, HOLMSTROM takes a penalty. Thank goodness its 0-4 on the Flames power play.
skyguy52April 21, 2007 8:27 AM
Zata with the PPG!
Aww damn, Cleary’s not looking good.
Good to see Cleary walk off under his own power, hope he’s alright.
Clark RasmussenApril 21, 2007 8:35 AM
Chelios! Shorthanded goal! f*ck yeah!
Clark RasmussenApril 21, 2007 8:42 AM
Good to see Cleary make it back out on the ice. Looks like he was just knocked silly for a bit.
Clark RasmussenApril 21, 2007 9:01 AM
I’m not even sure how to respond to the end of that game. If there aren’t suspensions to Playfair (how’s that for a wrong name) and Iginla, the fix is in. I think it’s safe to say that McLennan is gone.
Clark RasmussenApril 21, 2007 10:07 AM
I know that sometimes I can get a little lofty in my assessments of games, but f*ck, if you see Iginla in the game tomorrow this f*cker is fixed!! The league better stop this sh*t the Flames are dishing out. They better make a stand and have at least two game play susp, the one on Lebda and the Schneider butt from Iginla. I use to have some respect for that guy, but that is about as cheap as it gets. Does Detroit hit and take cheap shots when they are losing!! NO, this is really ugly to see in the NHL.
I was late on that post Yzerfan, you are spot on right bro!
Glove_DropperApril 21, 2007 10:10 AM
I gotta be honest man, if I was playing out there during the last 3 minutes of that game I’d feel really unsafe to the point I’d tell the coach to make the refs call the game. Really, what the f*ck were they expecting Detroit to do. We’re up by 4 goals and they want to throw down when they play tomorrow. That team is a bunch of freakin idiots! I hope to get out of this series unscathed.
Glove_DropperApril 21, 2007 10:25 AM
Babcock refused to talk about the final minutes. Said something like “Well, I’m not gonna talk about that.” I think he should have added “You can ask Jim Playfair about it.”
Clark RasmussenApril 21, 2007 10:32 AM
All I can say is DISGUSTING I have never in my life seen unsportmanlike play like that. I am completely disgusted. They put their backup goalie into the game to take out the first redwing he saw. Iginla needs a suspension for butt-ending, Langkow should go for that little Uppercut to the neck of Lebda, and the coach needs a fine as well as the entire organization. This is absolutely ridiculous. I am still mad, and I am still shaking my head.
Shame on the Flames organization, all of that is completely unexcusable. If you don’t see any suspensions from this game other than McClennan, I will not be suprised if I see a little repeat of the Avs-Redwings fight. Put Osgood in for the first 5 minutes and let him show Kipper what it’s like to bleed on the ice. Put Bertuzzi, Cleary, Maltby, Markov, and Lilja all in at the same time and watch the fireworks go. Iginla vs. Lilija, Bertuzzi vs. Phaneuf, Markov on Langkow, Cleary on Conroy, and Malts takin on Brad Stuart.
On a happier note, I won’t be suprised if we see a bit of a blow-out in favor of the Redwings tomorrow. We have the flames panicing again, Just like game 2. They’ll take stupid unneccessary penalties and we’ll run up the score. We’ll shut up the Saddledome for sure. In addition, they had Iginla and company on the ice way too much for a back to back the next day. We’ll see how slow they are tomorrow.
F*ck you flames.
drwmike33April 21, 2007 10:36 AM
Yzerfan, nice wrap on the game, appreciate your coverage and thanks from the West Coast!
After the last game I’m basically in the dark as what to expect from the Wings. I had expected a do or die attitude from the Wings in the last game, but it didn’t manifest into anything even close to that. I’m a huge fan of the game and have been watching all of the series thus far, only missing the last Anaheim contest…if you want to call it that. Anyway, the Sharks look hungry and the Ducks are deliberate in their overall game performance. Detroit just plainly looks tired and is clearly rattled after the last two games. I had hoped that the Wings would be more intimidating while visiting Calgary, but again they were submissive and mentally beaten. The Calgary Fans, along with the Flames beat Detroit and that’s the bottom line. */My best effort as a fan/*
*/My take as a spectator/*
In all of my years watching the NHL, I have yet to see such a transition from a team like Calgary from one place (Detroit) to the next (Calgary) and can’t help thinking that this is all scripted or something. It’s all so f*cking ridiculous that I can’t even begin to believe it. I can’t bring it to reason why the Wings would allow such fallacious and superfluous effort during the games in Calgary. If the Flames need to boost their economy with a long playoff run, then f*cking do it with some other team. I’m tired of watching Detroit get beaten by teams that reside in Canadien Cities that are financially struggling (Edmonton). As if Detroit itself isn’t struggling after all of the layoffs from the Big 3. My family back there is struggling and I feel cheated!! If the league wants to continue to make cheap calls while in Canada, then my days of watching this sport are about to end. I won’t believe that Calgary can go into their house and thrive the way they did, while Detroit all of a sudden has issues. During the last game the Ref’s had to back off of the sh*t calls mid-way through the second, as it was clearly obvious what was going on. I’m going to call for an investigation on Gary Bettman for game tampering and tainted officiating in professional sports! Clearly this is exactly the type of poor leadership this Bettman provides to the league. And I will tell you this, Shanahan is the first guy I would want an investigating committee to visit secretly.
Yeah, that’s my take on this sport from a spectator, and if you think it’s a huge farce, check your wallet, because your government lives inside it!
Go Wings! No Bullsh*t!
skyguy52April 21, 2007 10:39 AM
Put Osgood in for the first 5 minutes and let him show Kipper what it’s like to bleed on the ice. Put Bertuzzi, Cleary, Maltby, Markov, and Lilja all in at the same time and watch the fireworks go. Iginla vs. Lilija, Bertuzzi vs. Phaneuf, Markov on Langkow, Cleary on Conroy, and Malts takin on Brad Stuart.
I love the idea of Osgood getting in to kick some ass, but I don’t want to see the Wings drop to that level. Hope that the league offices do what’s right and let the Wings team do what they can to get the win, don’t sink to Calgary’s level.
Clark RasmussenApril 21, 2007 10:43 AM
Put Osgood in for the first 5 minutes and let him show Kipper what it’s like to bleed on the ice. Put Bertuzzi, Cleary, Maltby, Markov, and Lilja all in at the same time and watch the fireworks go. Iginla vs. Lilija, Bertuzzi vs. Phaneuf, Markov on Langkow, Cleary on Conroy, and Malts takin on Brad Stuart.
I love the idea of Osgood getting in to kick some ass, but I don’t want to see the Wings drop to that level. Hope that the league offices do what’s right and let the Wings team do what they can to get the win, don’t sink to Calgary’s level.
Oh I agree with that 100%, and if it gets to that, their being p*ssy won’t be in our favor. However, if the office doesn’t come through I say screw it. I’m a big supporter of Justice (that’s why I’m gonna be a cop), but when justice is not served in the correct way, I am fully supportive of gettin down with those who deserve it (I’m not saying we should put osgood in to Mark McGuire the sh*t out of someone like McClennan did, but having Bertuzzi put knock Phaneuf’s teeth out with a nice hip check would be outstanding.
drwmike33April 21, 2007 10:54 AM
SkyGuy52, Yeah, I can see why you wouldn’t get it, based on your previous input. No worries though, you like the Wings right… yeah buddy me too.
Go Wings!
Glove_DropperApril 21, 2007 11:11 AM
I would love to stoop to their level, but why? After reading and talking to some friends, the Flames basically have truly embarrassed themselves thus far, and getting into a p*ssing match is NOT what Detroit needs. We need to get through this team and move on to the next opponent. Hey, if suspensions are handed out, great, but don’t count on anything at this point. I have yet to see such a lack of control in the NHL in all my time, in all areas. The league officiating and now this vile attempt to injure was just waiting to happen. Hopefully this will be over by tomorrow night.
Then, with minutes remaining, in a move that might have been premeditated, Flames backup goalie Jamie McLennan took a two-handed whack to Johan Franzen’s midsection well after the whistle. McLennan had just replaced Miikka Kiprusoff, prompting speculation by Canada’s TSN that he was inserted into the game specifically to deliver a whack to a Wings players, after they had been crowding the crease all game. Is it enough to warrant a suspension? Maybe not, since Franzen was fine. If the league really wanted to punish McLennan it would force him to start Game 6.
Some of that just makes me laugh.
Clark RasmussenApril 22, 2007 12:09 PM
SkyGuy52, Yeah, I can see why you wouldn’t get it, based on your previous input. No worries though, you like the Wings right… yeah buddy me too.
Go Wings!
HaHaHa ….OK guy … my previous input, some kind of an inference that I don’t get it, cuz I don’t know what I’m talking about? The only person I’ve been reading on here that probably doesn’t know what they’re talking about is YOU.
One thing, I’ll definitely say is …. I don’t think you really know much about Hockey.
Another is I don’t really care what you have to say. Leave it alone guy.
skyguy52April 22, 2007 12:13 PM
So McLennan ended up being in the game for all of 18 seconds. He got 22 minutes of penalties. That’s 1.22 minutes of penalty time for every second he was on the ice. That’s gotta be a record.
Clark RasmussenApril 22, 2007 12:15 PM
So McLennan ended up being in the game for all of 18 seconds. He got 22 minutes of penalties. That’s 1.22 minutes of penalty time for every second he was on the ice. That’s gotta be a record.
That was about as Blatant an unjustified whack with a stick, as I’ve seen in awhile. The only thing different about it, and some of the other more vicious stick swinging ragers is it wasn’t across the head or face. Looks like the Flames will have some soul searching on the flight back to the Crotch in Saddleville. Lets hope the WINGS can use it to lift them up past the Flames tomorrow night!!
Then, with minutes remaining, in a move that might have been premeditated, Flames backup goalie Jamie McLennan took a two-handed whack to Johan Franzen’s midsection well after the whistle. McLennan had just replaced Miikka Kiprusoff, prompting speculation by Canada’s TSN that he was inserted into the game specifically to deliver a whack to a Wings players, after they had been crowding the crease all game. Is it enough to warrant a suspension? Maybe not, since Franzen was fine. If the league really wanted to punish McLennan it would force him to start Game 6.
Some of that just makes me laugh.
Some of that? HA. I love it.
If you read more into the article, he says Lebda’s got a concussion thanks to Langkow being a moron. That’s just wonderful. If the NHL doesn’t make some suspensions on this, I will be pretty annoyed. I mean come on, that sucker punch to the face was completely unneccessary and unacceptable.
Does anyone know where I can see the postgame talks with the coaches? I really want to know if Playfair said anything about his/his team’s complete disregard for sportsmanship…
The speculation this time around is that Jiri Hudler will be back in the lineup and either Kyle Calder or Mikael Samuelsson will be out.
The Wings need the win today to make sure they won’t be facing elimination on the road tomorrow.
The last three times the Wings won a Game Five to take a 3-2 series lead, they won the series (2004 Nashville, 2002 Vancouver, 1998 Phoenix). Four of the last five times they lost Game Five to go down 3-2, they lost the series. The lone exception was the 2002 Western Conference Finals against Colorado.
Yzerfan, nice wrap on the game, appreciate your coverage and thanks from the West Coast!
After the last game I’m basically in the dark as what to expect from the Wings. I had expected a do or die attitude from the Wings in the last game, but it didn’t manifest into anything even close to that. I’m a huge fan of the game and have been watching all of the series thus far, only missing the last Anaheim contest…if you want to call it that. Anyway, the Sharks look hungry and the Ducks are deliberate in their overall game performance. Detroit just plainly looks tired and is clearly rattled after the last two games. I had hoped that the Wings would be more intimidating while visiting Calgary, but again they were submissive and mentally beaten. The Calgary Fans, along with the Flames beat Detroit and that’s the bottom line. */My best effort as a fan/*
*/My take as a spectator/*
In all of my years watching the NHL, I have yet to see such a transition from a team like Calgary from one place (Detroit) to the next (Calgary) and can’t help thinking that this is all scripted or something. It’s all so f*cking ridiculous that I can’t even begin to believe it. I can’t bring it to reason why the Wings would allow such fallacious and superfluous effort during the games in Calgary. If the Flames need to boost their economy with a long playoff run, then f*cking do it with some other team. I’m tired of watching Detroit get beaten by teams that reside in Canadien Cities that are financially struggling (Edmonton). As if Detroit itself isn’t struggling after all of the layoffs from the Big 3. My family back there is struggling and I feel cheated!! If the league wants to continue to make cheap calls while in Canada, then my days of watching this sport are about to end. I won’t believe that Calgary can go into their house and thrive the way they did, while Detroit all of a sudden has issues. During the last game the Ref’s had to back off of the sh*t calls mid-way through the second, as it was clearly obvious what was going on. I’m going to call for an investigation on Gary Bettman for game tampering and tainted officiating in professional sports! Clearly this is exactly the type of poor leadership this Bettman provides to the league. And I will tell you this, Shanahan is the first guy I would want an investigating committee to visit secretly.
Yeah, that’s my take on this sport from a spectator, and if you think it’s a huge farce, check your wallet, because your government lives inside it!
Go Wings! No Bullsh*t!
Hudler’s in, Calder’s out.
Kipper gets his hand swatted at: goalie interference. Iginla elbows Hasek (Game Four): nothing. Hooray for consistancy.
Huge stop by Hasek!
Go Wings! Heard an interesting fact about Domink Hasek’s contract. If he wins the first series against Calgary, he gets a $450,000 bonus.
I can’t object to that move. CALDER has not had a productive series in terms of points, although his play hasn’t been negative. Hate to gravitate back to LANG, but I would have taken him out before CALDER.
Wow. This ref is a f*cking asshole.
Maltby is hit into Kipper as the Wings score. No goal. Goalie interference. f*ck this sh*t.
Haha. Once again, I complain about LANG’S play and he comes back with two scoring OPPORTUNITIES that, unfortunately, don’t turn into goals.
Ignila takes a shot at Zetterberg to end the period. “It’s okay, it’s the playoffs.” Right, because I’m sure they’d say that if a Wing did it.
Chelios high stick after Zyuzin holding Bert is ignored. The refs aren’t even wathing.
Dan Cleary is a motherf*cking GOD!
Ok Great Work by Cleary, followed by a picture perfect move on Kiprusoff. Then Zetterman’s opportunity, shows the Wings are Hungry. But, HOLMSTROM takes a penalty. Thank goodness its 0-4 on the Flames power play.
Zata with the PPG!
Aww damn, Cleary’s not looking good.
Good to see Cleary walk off under his own power, hope he’s alright.
Chelios! Shorthanded goal! f*ck yeah!
Good to see Cleary make it back out on the ice. Looks like he was just knocked silly for a bit.
I’m not even sure how to respond to the end of that game. If there aren’t suspensions to Playfair (how’s that for a wrong name) and Iginla, the fix is in. I think it’s safe to say that McLennan is gone.
I know that sometimes I can get a little lofty in my assessments of games, but f*ck, if you see Iginla in the game tomorrow this f*cker is fixed!! The league better stop this sh*t the Flames are dishing out. They better make a stand and have at least two game play susp, the one on Lebda and the Schneider butt from Iginla. I use to have some respect for that guy, but that is about as cheap as it gets. Does Detroit hit and take cheap shots when they are losing!! NO, this is really ugly to see in the NHL.
I was late on that post Yzerfan, you are spot on right bro!
I gotta be honest man, if I was playing out there during the last 3 minutes of that game I’d feel really unsafe to the point I’d tell the coach to make the refs call the game. Really, what the f*ck were they expecting Detroit to do. We’re up by 4 goals and they want to throw down when they play tomorrow. That team is a bunch of freakin idiots! I hope to get out of this series unscathed.
Babcock refused to talk about the final minutes. Said something like “Well, I’m not gonna talk about that.” I think he should have added “You can ask Jim Playfair about it.”
All I can say is DISGUSTING I have never in my life seen unsportmanlike play like that. I am completely disgusted. They put their backup goalie into the game to take out the first redwing he saw. Iginla needs a suspension for butt-ending, Langkow should go for that little Uppercut to the neck of Lebda, and the coach needs a fine as well as the entire organization. This is absolutely ridiculous. I am still mad, and I am still shaking my head.
Shame on the Flames organization, all of that is completely unexcusable. If you don’t see any suspensions from this game other than McClennan, I will not be suprised if I see a little repeat of the Avs-Redwings fight. Put Osgood in for the first 5 minutes and let him show Kipper what it’s like to bleed on the ice. Put Bertuzzi, Cleary, Maltby, Markov, and Lilja all in at the same time and watch the fireworks go. Iginla vs. Lilija, Bertuzzi vs. Phaneuf, Markov on Langkow, Cleary on Conroy, and Malts takin on Brad Stuart.
On a happier note, I won’t be suprised if we see a bit of a blow-out in favor of the Redwings tomorrow. We have the flames panicing again, Just like game 2. They’ll take stupid unneccessary penalties and we’ll run up the score. We’ll shut up the Saddledome for sure. In addition, they had Iginla and company on the ice way too much for a back to back the next day. We’ll see how slow they are tomorrow.
F*ck you flames.

I love the idea of Osgood getting in to kick some ass, but I don’t want to see the Wings drop to that level. Hope that the league offices do what’s right and let the Wings team do what they can to get the win, don’t sink to Calgary’s level.
Oh I agree with that 100%, and if it gets to that, their being p*ssy won’t be in our favor. However, if the office doesn’t come through I say screw it. I’m a big supporter of Justice (that’s why I’m gonna be a cop), but when justice is not served in the correct way, I am fully supportive of gettin down with those who deserve it (I’m not saying we should put osgood in to Mark McGuire the sh*t out of someone like McClennan did, but having Bertuzzi put knock Phaneuf’s teeth out with a nice hip check would be outstanding.
SkyGuy52, Yeah, I can see why you wouldn’t get it, based on your previous input. No worries though, you like the Wings right… yeah buddy me too.
Go Wings!
I would love to stoop to their level, but why? After reading and talking to some friends, the Flames basically have truly embarrassed themselves thus far, and getting into a p*ssing match is NOT what Detroit needs. We need to get through this team and move on to the next opponent. Hey, if suspensions are handed out, great, but don’t count on anything at this point. I have yet to see such a lack of control in the NHL in all my time, in all areas. The league officiating and now this vile attempt to injure was just waiting to happen. Hopefully this will be over by tomorrow night.
Go Wings!!
Heh, Ansar Khan just posted this…
Some of that just makes me laugh.
HaHaHa ….OK guy … my previous input, some kind of an inference that I don’t get it, cuz I don’t know what I’m talking about? The only person I’ve been reading on here that probably doesn’t know what they’re talking about is YOU.
One thing, I’ll definitely say is …. I don’t think you really know much about Hockey.
Another is I don’t really care what you have to say. Leave it alone guy.
So McLennan ended up being in the game for all of 18 seconds. He got 22 minutes of penalties. That’s 1.22 minutes of penalty time for every second he was on the ice. That’s gotta be a record.
That was about as Blatant an unjustified whack with a stick, as I’ve seen in awhile. The only thing different about it, and some of the other more vicious stick swinging ragers is it wasn’t across the head or face. Looks like the Flames will have some soul searching on the flight back to the Crotch in Saddleville. Lets hope the WINGS can use it to lift them up past the Flames tomorrow night!!
Go Wings!
Some of that? HA. I love it.
If you read more into the article, he says Lebda’s got a concussion thanks to Langkow being a moron. That’s just wonderful. If the NHL doesn’t make some suspensions on this, I will be pretty annoyed. I mean come on, that sucker punch to the face was completely unneccessary and unacceptable.
Does anyone know where I can see the postgame talks with the coaches? I really want to know if Playfair said anything about his/his team’s complete disregard for sportsmanship…