The Free Agent Frenzy is About to Begin… And I Won’t Be Around for It


In less than twenty-four hours we will probably know where Marian Hossa will play next season. Maybe even Ty Conklin, Mikael Samuelsson, and Jiri Hudler.

NHL free agency opens up Wednesday and I won’t be around to pay attention to any of it. I think it’s the first time since about 2000 for that to be the case.

Every now and then life just doesn’t schedule things in line with hockey and since I’m pretty sure the Red Wings will lose all four of the aforementioned players anyway (Conklin having already been confirmed), I’ve gotta prioritize.

It’s sad, because I like to treat July 1 like a holiday even though I’m not Canadian, but this is for very good reasons so I’m cool with it.

Feel free to post comments about whatever happens here or discuss everything in the forums. I’ll check in when I can.

Clark founded the site that would become DetroitHockey.Net in September of 1996. He continues to write for the site and executes the site's design and development, as well as that of DH.N's sibling site,

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